Peer-Reviewed publications
- Claude Bernard -
“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
Sergeant, A., Chmiel, M., Lindner, F., Walter, F., Roux, P., Chaput, J., Gimbert, F., Mordret, A., (2019), On the Green’s function emergence from interferometry of seismic wavefields generated in high-melt glaciers: implications for passive imaging and monitoring, The Cryosphere, (Preprint)
Baker, M.G., Aster, R.C., Anthony, R., Chaput, J., et al., (2019), Seasonal and spatial variations in the ocean-coupled ambient wavefield of the Ross Ice Shelf,Journal of Glaciology, vol.65, iss.254, pp.912-925
Huang, H.H., Lin, F-C., Tsai, V., Wang, W., Chaput, J., (2019), Synthesis of body-wave information from global earthquake coda correlation: A numerical evaluation, Geophysical Journal International, (accepted)
Blondel, T., Chaput, J., Derode, A., Aubry, A., Campillo, M. (2019), Matrix Approach of Seismic Imaging: Application to the Erebus Volcano, Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123
Chaput, J., Aster, R.C., Baker, M., Anthony, R., Gerstoft, P., Bromirski, P., Nyblade,A., Stephen, R.A., Wiens, D., Das, S.B., Stevens, L.A., (2018), Near Surface Environmentally Forced Changes in the Ross Ice Shelf Observed With Ambient Seismic Noise, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, DOI:10.1029/2018GL079665
Knox, H., Chaput, J., Aster, R., (2018), Shallow conduit variations at Erebus Volcano inferred by comparisons of post-eruptive Very Long Period signals with Short Period signal onset, Journal of Geophysics Research, 123, 4, 3178-3196
Chaput, J., Oliver, G., Borchers, B., (2018), Using supervised machine learning to improve active source signal retrieval, Seismological Research Letters, 89 (3), pp.1023-1029
Chaput, J., Clerc, V., Campilllo, M., Roux, P., Knox, H., (2016), On the practical convergence of coda based correlations: a window optimization approach,Geophysical Journal International, 204 (2), pp. 736-747
Brenguier, F., Kowalski, P., Ackerly, N., Nakata, N., Boue, P., Campillo, M., Larose,E., Rambaud, S., Pequenat, C., Lecocq, T., Roux, P., Ferrazzini, V., Villeneuve,N., Shapiro, N. M., Chaput, J., (2015), Toward 4D Noise-Based Seismic Probing of Volcanoes: Perspectives from a Large-N Experiment on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, Seismological Research Letters, 86 (6), DOI:10.1785/022015017
Chaput, J., Campillo, M., Roux, P., Aster R., Kyle P., Knox H., Czoski P., (2014), Multiple scattering from icequakes at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica; Implications for imaging at glaciated volcanoes, Journal of Geophysics research: Solid Earth, DOI:10.1002/2014JB011278
Chaput, J., Aster, R., Huerta, A., Sun, X., Lloyd, A., (2014), Wiens, D., Ny-blade, A., Anandakrishnan, S., Winberry, P., Wilson, T., The Crustal Thickness of West Antarctica, Journal of Geophysics research: Solid Earth,Vol.119, 1-18,doi:10.1002/2013JB010642
Colombi, A., Chaput, J., Brenguier, F., Hillers, G., Roux, P., Campillo, M., (2014) On the temporal stability of the coda of ambient noise correlations, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, Vol. 346, Iss. 11-12, p. 307-316
Walter, F., Chaput, J., LÃijthi, M., (2014). Thick sediments beneath Greenland’s ablation zone and their potential role in future ice sheet dynamics. Geology, 42(6), 487-490
Zandomeneghi, D., Aster, R., Kyle, P., Barclay, A., Chaput, J., Knox, H., (2013),Internal structure of Erebus volcano, Antarctica imaged by high-resolution active-source seismic tomography and coda interferometry, Journal of Geophysics research:Solid Earth,Vol.118, 3, 1067-1078, DOI: 10.1002/jgrb.50073
Chaput, J., Zandomeneghi, D., Aster, R.C., Knox, H., Kyle, P., (2012), Imaging of Erebus volcano using body wave seismic interferometry of Strombolian eruption coda, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39, 7, DOI: 10.1029/2012GL050956
Chaput J., Bostock M., (2007), Seismic interferometry using non-volcanic tremor in Cascadia, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, L07304, 5 PP.,doi:10.1029/2007GL028987